Wednesday, July 29, 2020
Managing People Moudle Title Case Study In Fastening Technologies
Managing People Moudle Title Case Study In Fastening Technologies Managing People Moudle Title Case Study In Fastening Technologies Limited â€" Coursework Example > IntroductionThe Human Resource Management approach of FTL depicted in the case study is not at all a credit to the company. Throughout FTL’s recent history, HRM has been handled in an ad hoc, reactive way, with predictably unsatisfactory outcomes. Every successful initiative seems to be countered by circumstances that lessen its value, and others have been outright failures. The results of FTL’s HRM practises are reflected in the company’s poor performance, putting its very survival within the Global Engineering organisation at risk. This paper is organised in two parts. Part One presents an overview and evaluation of FTL’s Human Resource Management efforts during the time period covered by the case study. A number of general recommendations to improve FTL’s HRM processes are offered as a conclusion to this part of the paper. Part Two will focus on one aspect of FTL’s HRM program that has been particularly difficult for the company to manage, performance management and employee evaluation. An alternative, more effective approach is described as a recommendation to conclude Part Two of the report. Part One: Overall Evaluation of FTL’s Human Resource Management ApproachBased on the case study, it is difficult to identify a coherent, system-oriented HRM philosophy at FTL, and it may be more accurate to say that the company does not actually have one. HRM policies and initiatives throughout FTL’s history have been made in piecemeal fashion, with the idea that any change will be directly reflected in the company’s bottom line. This apparently is not an unusual approach, as Wood (1999: 398-399) points out: “US and British managements are in fact frequently portrayed in commentaries on organizational change as adopting new management practices in an ad hoc or pick-and-mix way. ... More generally, this partial and disjointed orientation to innovatory practices is often presented as reflecting a pragmatic and short-term approach to management th at is assumed to pervade much of British and US industry, perhaps being fostered by an over-emphasis on short-term financial results. â€Even though the case study states that the company invested heavily in training, even sending senior and middle managers to a well-known management development programme, the results lead one to question whether the company was investing in the right kind of training. People were advanced into positions for which they were not adequately prepared. Examples are given throughout the case study, and one of the most significant ones is the surrogate HR supervisor, Mary Williamson. Catherine Forrester’s skills were needed by Global, but her frequent absences from FTL had a negative impact on the company because her stand-in was not up to the task. On the one hand, this could be blamed on Global but the fault really lies with Catherine Forrester. Her priority should be her primary position as FTL’s HR manager, and the performance of that department is her responsibility. Taking on a role for Global without making sure that her responsibility to FTL was being met â€" specifically, by training her stand-in to perform effectively when needed â€" was a poor decision on Forrester’s part.
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